audition informatioN 2025-2026
Please follow all directions for the audition process for our Daytime Program and/or New Light Dance Project. For more information about each program please click the buttons below.
In-Person Audition Information: Please fill out the application form below prior to attending the audition Friday June 13, 2025 2:45-3:15 PM AGES 4-6, 3:30-6:00 AGES 7-10, 6:15-8:45PM AGES 11+ and pay the audition fee upon arrival $40 (CASH or VENMO @alfonsoacademy). Auditions are classes based in the genres of Ballet, Contemporary, Jazz, & Hip Hop. Please wear any dance wear, hair securely back and bring ballet shoes and sneakers.
***If your dancer is selected to be a part of the 2025-2026 NLDP Company there is a mandatory parent meeting TBA an email will be sent with more details.
Private Auditions available upon request. All questions please email