any questions for class placements please email mela@alfonsoacademy.com or FOR REGISTRATION ASSISTANCE EMAIL OFFICEMANAGER@ALFONSOACADEMY.COM call/text 850-460-3264
(Scroll down for detailed class descriptions)
CLASS: Pre-Acro-Tumbling (Intro)
DRESS CODE: Leotard or tight-fitted dance shorts/top. No shoes. No baggy clothing or street clothes. No jewelry.
Creating a solid understanding of building coordination, upper and lower body strength, and becoming confident with going upside down, this class will introduce young movers to correct body positioning and form for acrobatic and tumbling skills.
CLASS: Acro-Tumbling L1 (Beginner)
DRESS CODE: Leotard or tight-fitted dance shorts/top. No shoes. No baggy clothing or street clothes. No jewelry.
This class will work on basic acro & tumbling skills. Such as cartwheels, forward/backward rolls, hand and head stands,and much more! Students will build on more difficult skills throughout the year and be able to apply the new skills as an extension to their artistry and ability by accomplishing their monthly progress card.
CLASS: Acro-Tumbling L2 (Intermediate)
DRESS CODE: Leotard or tight-fitted dance shorts/top. No shoes. No baggy clothing or street clothes. No jewelry.
This class will work on building on already existing acro & tumbling skills from Level 1. Students will build on more difficult skills throughout the year and be able to apply the new skills as an extension to their artistry and ability by accomplishing their monthly progress card. Aerials, cartwheel variations, front/ back walk overs and variations, more advanced hand and head stand variations, arabians, rolling tensica, and more!
CLASS: Acro-Tumbling L3 (Advanced)
DRESS CODE: Leotard or dance shorts/top. No shoes. No baggy clothing or street clothes. No jewelry.
Advanced Acro will work on the most advanced skills as a Level 3 class. Students will build on more difficult skills throughout the year and be able to apply the new skills as an extension to their artistry and ability by accomplishing their monthly progress card.
CLASS: Tiny Dancer (Ages 2-4)
DRESS CODE: Leotard and tights required. Required pink ballet shoes and tan tap shoes. Hair secured back and NO JEWELRY except post earrings.
Our Tiny Dancers class is designed for the preschool level age group. This appropriate creative movement based class will include learning new ways to move by imitation and imagery, retaining simple to complex sequences and patterns, and using creative risk-taking. Dancers will learn basic locomotor and non-locomotor movement and vocabulary of the genres of jazz, tap, and ballet. They will display the difference between their right and left sides all while having fun in a safe and welcoming environment.
CLASS: Dance Fundamentals L1 (Ages 5-7)
DRESS CODE: Leotard and tights required. Required pink ballet shoes and tan tap shoes. Tan Jazz Shoes are OPTIONAL. Hair secured back and NO JEWELRY except post earrings.
Creating an environment to begin to develop even more dance skills and vocabulary, Dance Fundamentals L1 is perfect for any dancer who wants to enter the next phase of training. This class will include understanding floor patterns, tempo, level, and directional changes and able to show the differences, identifying the different genres of dance being taught (ballet, jazz, and tap), and the structural order of each style. Retaining more information on the given styles and being able to perform each with confidence and understanding while all focusing on creative risk-taking and problem solving skills.
CLASS: TechFlex L1 (Beginner)
DRESS CODE: Leotard and tights or dance shorts/pants and tank required. NO loose fitting clothing or street clothes. Hair secured back and NO JEWELRY except post earrings.
The Alfonso Academy TechFlex centers around fine-tuning technique and placement for technical skills required for dance while increasing flexibility. It dissects what it takes to understand one’s body and build the control needed for technique and builds strength and agility. It will build basic placement for dancers, as well as, create muscle memory for beginner dancers to continue their growth process.
CLASS: TechFlex L2/L3 (Intermediate/Advanced)
DRESS CODE: Leotard and tights or dance shorts/pants and tank required. NO loose fitting clothing or street clothes. Hair secured back and NO JEWELRY except post earrings.
The Alfonso Academy TechFlex centers around fine-tuning technique and placement for technical skills required for dance while increasing flexibility. It dissects what it takes to understand one’s body and build the control needed for technique and builds strength and agility. It will review basic placement for dancers, as well as, add more advanced skills such as leaps, turns, and balance. Dancers will be given encouraging individual and group feedback to aid in students’ successes. This class is ideal for an advanced and focused dancer who wants to perfect their technique and continue to push themselves to the next level of training.
CLASS: BodyTech Progressions L1/L2 (Beginner/Intermediate)
DRESS CODE: Close fitting dance wear. Leotards preferred. NO BIG t-shirts or non-dance bottoms.
NEW! This class will be designed for our dancers who want to continue to improve their technique by commanding the body in kinesthetic memory drills. All exercises will properly compute the muscle memory to achieve more advanced skills for dance. Class will mainly be composed of progressions in center or across the floor.
CLASS: Pre-Ballet (Ages 3-5)
DRESS CODE: Any color Leotard and pink tights. Pink Canvas Ballet shoes and hair neatly secured in a bun. NO EXCEPTIONS. Warm-up clothing only to be worn during the first few exercises at the barre. Dancers will not be allowed to enter class without proper leotard, pink tights, pink canvas ballet shoes, and hair in a bun.
Boys: White shirt/black leggings-Black ballet shoes
Pre-Ballet is an introductory level classical ballet class. Students will be exposed to the French, Russian, and methods of training. Class will consist of exercises in the center to develop strength and understanding of ballet pedagogy. This class is perfect for any dancer who wants to become exposed to more ballet foundation.
CLASS: Ballet L1 (Beginner)
DRESS CODE: Any color Leotard and pink tights. Pink Canvas Ballet shoes and hair neatly secured in a bun. NO EXCEPTIONS. Warm-up clothing only to be worn during the first few exercises at the barre. Dancers will not be allowed to enter class without proper leotard, pink tights, pink canvas ballet shoes, and hair in a bun.
Boys: White shirt/black leggings-Black ballet shoes
Beginner Ballet is a traditional beginner level classical ballet class. Students will be exposed to the French, Russian, and methods of training. Class will consist of exercises at the barre and only move to center once ready according to the instructor's progressive curriculum. Dancers will learn ballet vocabulary and variations. This class is perfect for any dancer who wants to continue to strengthen their technique for any dance style and want to train for one full hour in ballet in hopes to progress to the intermediate level. Ballet is the fundamental form of dance to help improve any dancer’s training. Teacher recommendation needed.
CLASS: Ballet L2 (Intermediate)
DRESS CODE: Any color Leotard and pink tights. Pink Canvas Ballet shoes and hair neatly secured in a bun. NO EXCEPTIONS. Warm-up clothing only to be worn during the first few exercises at the barre. Dancers will not be allowed to enter class without proper leotard, pink tights, pink canvas ballet shoes, and hair in a bun.
Intermediate Ballet is a classical ballet class. Students will be exposed to the French and Russian methods of training. Class will consist of exercises at the barre and in center. Dancers will learn ballet vocabulary and variations. Intermediate students are working towards the progression to Advanced placement and Pointe class. This class is perfect for any dancer who wants to continue to strengthen their technique for any dance style. Ballet is the fundamental form of dance to help improve any dancer’s training. Teacher recommendation needed.
CLASS: Ballet L3 (Advanced)
DRESS CODE: Any color Leotard and pink tights. Pink Canvas Ballet shoes and hair neatly secured in a bun. NO EXCEPTIONS. Warm-up clothing only to be worn during the first few exercises at the barre. Dancers will not be allowed to enter class without proper leotard, pink tights, pink canvas ballet shoes, and hair in a bun.
Advanced Ballet is a classical ballet class. Students will be exposed to various methods of training. Class will consist of exercises at the barre and in center. Dancers will learn ballet vocabulary and variations. Advanced students are continuing to strengthen and challenge their ballet technique to maintain strong clarification for Pointe class. This class is perfect for any dancer who wants to continue to strengthen their technique for any dance style. Ballet is the fundamental form of dance to help improve any dancer’s training. Teacher recommendation needed.
CLASS: Beginner Pointe
DRESS CODE: Any color Leotard and pink tights. Properly-fitted pointe shoes and hair neatly secured in a bun. NO EXCEPTIONS. Warm-up clothing only to be worn during the first few exercises at the barre. Dancers will not be allowed to enter class without proper leotard, pink tights, pink canvas ballet shoes, and hair in a bun.
Beginner Pointe is an introductory pointe class. Students will be selected to attend when ready for this class. Dancers will begin to train en pointe at the the barre and only in center at the instructor’s discretion. Correct alignment, core strength, and ankle stability must be met in order to be considered for this class.
Teacher recommendation needed.
CLASS: Advanced Pointe
DRESS CODE: Any color Leotard and pink tights. Properly-fitted pointe shoes and hair neatly secured in a bun. NO EXCEPTIONS. Warm-up clothing only to be worn during the first few exercises at the barre. Dancers will not be allowed to enter class without proper leotard, pink tights, pink canvas ballet shoes, and hair in a bun.
Pointe is an extension to Advanced Ballet. Students will be selected to attend when ready for this class. Class will consist of exercises at the barre and in center. Dancers will learn ballet vocabulary and variations on pointe. Advanced students are continuing to strengthen and challenge their ballet technique to become strong all around dancers. Ballet is the fundamental form of dance to help improve any dancer’s training. Teacher recommendation needed.
CLASS: Contemporary L1 (Beginner)
DRESS CODE: Leotard and tights or dance shorts/pants and tank required. NO loose fitting clothing or street clothes. Bare feet. Hair secured back and NO JEWELRY except post earrings.
DESCRIPTION: An introductory class that will teach the beginning foundations of contemporary dance (combination of Modern, Jazz, Ballet and more). This class will explore a range of creativity and teach a strong sense of movement ownership when performing the emotional and athletic qualities of contemporary dance.
CLASS: Contemporary L2 (Intermediate)
DRESS CODE: Leotard and tights or dance shorts/pants and tank required. NO loose fitting clothing or street clothes. Bare Feet. Hair secured back and NO JEWELRY except post earrings.
DESCRIPTION: The most popular form of dance studied today. It fuses and formulates many different styles of dance and deepens the roots of a dancer's artistry and self-expression. Based from the genres of Modern, Jazz, Ballet, and more, dancers will be tested in use of musicality and and intricate details of choreography. This intermediate class will break down technical aspects of contemporary in order to proceed and have a true understanding of their artistry to advance to Contemporary L3.
CLASS: Contemporary L3 (Advanced)
DRESS CODE: Leotard and tights or dance shorts/pants and tank required. NO loose fitting clothing or street clothes. Bare Feet. Hair secured back and NO JEWELRY except post earrings.
DESCRIPTION: The most popular form of dance studied today. It fuses and formulates many different styles of dance and deepens the roots of a dancer's artistry and self-expression. Based from the genres of Modern, Jazz, Ballet, and more, dancers will be tested in use of musicality and and intricate details of choreography.
CLASS: Improv Lab L1 (Beginner)
DRESS CODE: Leotard and tights or dance shorts/pants and tank required. NO loose fitting clothing or street clothes. Hair secured back and NO JEWELRY except post earrings.
This class is one of a kind and will take the dancer on a journey of self-discovery and expression. It is designed for the individual to come alive and become a confident person in all that he or she does throughout life. Learning particular tools and skills needed to perform and make choices in the moment, the teacher will guide students through the process obtaining these skills through various exercises and explorations. Students will be required to use their creativity and step out of their comfort zones. Dancers will also begin to learn how to choreograph and create their own movement. The Beginner Level will introduce specific tools needed for dancers who are just starting to begin to learn the process of making artistic choices and learning about the creative process of an individual.
CLASS: Improv Lab L2/3 (Intermediate/Advanced)
DRESS CODE: Leotard and tights or dance shorts/pants and tank required. NO loose fitting clothing or street clothes. Hair secured back and NO JEWELRY except post earrings.
This class will take the dancer on a journey of self-discovery and expression. This class is designed for the individual to come alive and become a confident person in all that he or she does throughout life. Learning particular tools and skills needed to make artistic choices in the moment, the teacher will guide students through the process obtaining these skills through various exercises. Students will be required to use their creativity and step out of their comfort zones and understand their individual creative process. Dancers will also begin to learn how to choreograph and create their own work.
CLASS: Intro to Jazz L1 (Introductory)
DRESS CODE: Close fitting dance wear. Leotards preferred. NO BIG t-shirts or non-dance bottoms. Jazz shoes if needed.
An introduction level class, Into to Jazz class will help dancers learn class etiquette, proper body placement and lines for jazz, all while being taught proper jazz vocabulary and isolations. Dancers will experience a jazz warm-up, across the floor, and a possible culminating combination to apply stylized jazz performance and work on retaining choreography.
CLASS: Jazz L1 (Beginner)
DRESS CODE: Close fitting dance wear. Leotards preferred. NO BIG t-shirts or non-dance bottoms. Jazz shoes if needed.
A beginner level class, Jazz class will offer dancers to learn basic isolations, vocabulary of jazz, and performance qualities with intricate rhythms and dynamics. Dancers will experience a jazz warm-up, across the floor, and a culminating combination to apply stylized jazz performance and work on retaining choreography.
CLASS: Jazz L2 (Intermediate)
DRESS CODE: Close fitting dance wear. Leotards preferred. NO BIG t-shirts or non-dance bottoms. Jazz shoes if needed.
An intermediate level class, Jazz class will offer dancers to learn basic isolations, vocabulary of jazz, and performance qualities with intricate rhythms and dynamics. Intermediate dancers will be challenged to increase their skill requirements and find more musicality within their movement. Dancers will experience a jazz warm-up, and a culminating combination to apply stylized jazz performance and work on retaining choreography.
CLASS: Jazz L3 (Advanced)
DRESS CODE: Close fitting dance wear. Leotards preferred. NO BIG t-shirts or non-dance bottoms. Jazz shoes if needed.
Jazz L3 class will offer advanced dancers the opportunity to learn more advanced isolations, vocabulary of jazz, and performance qualities with intricate rhythms and dynamics. Dancers will be pushed on a technical basis all while working on artistry. Dancers will experience a jazz warm-up, and a culminating combination to apply stylized jazz performance and work on providing the experience of a working dance professional.
CLASS: Jazz Progressions (All Levels)
DRESS CODE: Close fitting dance wear. Leotards preferred. NO BIG t-shirts or non-dance bottoms. Jazz shoes if needed.
Jazz Progressions will be across the floor ONLY Jazz technique. This class will reiterate correct body positions, footwork, and aesthetics for jazz dance.
CLASS: Pre-Hip-Hop (Intro)
DRESS CODE: Loose fitting dance wear. Sneakers/street shoes/required. Be one with YOUR STYLE.
Keeping to the basics, this introductory class will create confidence through it’ high energy that will keep you moving to the beat and push you to express your inner style. Different types of culture of hip-hop will be discovered. It will help with learning multiple rhythms, tempos, and accents all while moving in and out of the floor.
CLASS: Hip-Hop L1 (Beginner)
DRESS CODE: Loose fitting dance wear. Sneakers/street shoes/required. Be one with YOUR STYLE.
Building the basics, this beginner high energy class will keep you moving to the beat and push you to express your inner style. Different types of culture of hip-hop will be discovered. It will help with learning multiple rhythms, tempos, and accents while moving in and out of the floor.
CLASS: Hip-Hop L2 (Intermediate)
DRESS CODE: Loose fitting dance wear. Sneakers/street shoes/required. Be one with YOUR STYLE.
Keeping to the basics, but adding more intricate combinations and skills, this high energy class will keep you moving to the beat and push you to express your inner style. Different types of culture of hip-hop will be discovered. It will help with learning multiple rhythms, tempos, and accents while moving in and out of the floor.
CLASS: Hip-Hop L3 (Ages 11 & up)
DRESS CODE: Loose fitting dance wear. Sneakers/street shoes required. Be one with YOUR STYLE.
Building more intricate combinations and skills, this high energy class will keep you moving to the beat and push you to express your inner style. Exploring different genres and styles of Hip-Hop this class will continuously challenge any advanced dancer with the performance of Hip-Hop. It will help with learning multiple,rhythms, tempos, and accents while moving in and out of the floor with more advanced skills.
CLASS: Tap L1 (Beginner)
DRESS CODE: Close fitting dance wear. Leotards preferred. NO BIG t-shirts or non-dance bottoms. Black laced or Black Jazz Tap shoes required
Centered around learning to count music and create basic rhythms and grow in tempos. Tap dance starts with learning the foundation of single, double, and triple sound tap steps and combining them for a more challenging exercise. Dancers will experience a warm-up, progressions, center work, and combination in when applies. Understanding tap terminology and vocabulary while building on skills will be a main goal.
CLASS: Tap L2/3 (Intermediate/Advanced)
DRESS CODE: Close fitting dance wear. Leotards preferred. NO BIG t-shirts or non-dance bottoms. Black Laced Tap Shoes required
Centered around learning to build on musicality and create basic rhythms and grow in tempos. Tap dance builds the foundation of single, double, and triple sound tap steps and combining them for a more challenging exercise with taprudiments. Dancers will experience a warm-up, progressions, center work, and combination in when applies. Understanding tap terminology and vocabulary while building on skills will be a main goal.
CLASS: Lyrical L1 (Beginner)
DRESS CODE: Close fitting dance wear. Leotards preferred. NO BIG t-shirts or non-dance bottoms. Half Soles if needed.
A beginner level class, Lyrical will offer dancers to dive deeper into their performance skills while maintaining their ballet and jazz technique. This class will focus on story telling through lyrics and find a connection to movement given.
CLASS: Lyrical L2 (Intermediate)
DRESS CODE: Close fitting dance wear. Leotards preferred. NO BIG t-shirts or non-dance bottoms. Half Soles if needed.
Lyrical will offer dancers to dive deeper into their performance skills while maintaining their ballet and jazz technique at an intermediate level. This class will focus on story telling through lyrics and find a connection to the movement given.
CLASS: Lyrical L3 (Advanced)
DRESS CODE: Close fitting dance wear. Leotards preferred. NO BIG t-shirts or non-dance bottoms. Half Soles if needed.
Advanced Lyrical will offer dancers to dive deeper into their performance skills while maintaining their ballet and jazz technique. This class will focus on story telling through lyrics and find a connection to the movement given in a pre-professional manner.
CLASS: Progressive Ballet Technique (PBT) L1, L2, L3
DRESS CODE: Close fitting dance wear. Leotards preferred. NO BIG t-shirts or non-dance bottoms.
Progressing Ballet Technique (PBT) is an innovative body-conditioning and strengthening program that has been designed to enhance students' technique by focussing on training the muscle memory required in each exercise in all forms of dance by Marie Walton-Mahon. It is a unique training system using ballet-technique specific exercises to train skill acquisition in a graded and progressive manner from junior through to advanced levels. PBT helps teachers around the world prepare their students to receive the strength they need to achieve their personal best.
The program helps with injury prevention and rehabilitation and enhances the ability of athletes to perform at their best. It can be difficult for students to feel which muscles initiate the correct alignment in training. However, with the use of an exercise ball, the students gain a great sense of posture and weight-placement whilst feeling each correct muscle group working throughout each exercise, which then stays with them when whilst performing in dance or their chosen field of sport
PBT focuses on core strength, weight placement and alignment of the body with a gradual approach of carefully designed exercises and repetitions of these exercises that trigger their muscle memory. The program is designed with safe dance methodology to promote a long, healthy career and is now being taught by over 4000+ certified teachers worldwide and over 3500 schools globally have added PBT classes in their curriculum for students.
PBT is not only a program to improve technique in ballet dancers, it is now being appreciated and incorporated in training by all forms of dancers, athletes, physiotherapists and even footballers!